TI07-In-Vehicle Signage (Clark County)

Status: Future


––Instance of TI07–– This service package augments regulatory, warning, and informational signs and signals by providing information directly to drivers through in–vehicle devices. The information provided would include static sign information (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal states including highway intersection and highway–rail intersection status and local conditions warnings identified by local environmental sensors). This service package also includes the capability for maintenance and construction, emergency, and transit vehicles to transmit sign information to vehicles in the vicinity so that in vehicle signing can be used without fixed infrastructure in areas such as work zones, around incidents, and at bus stops.


TI07-In-Vehicle Signage (Clark County)

Includes Elements

Clark County Traffic Operations Center
Clark County Field Equipment
Connected Vehicle
Clark County Maintenance Vehicle
Clark County CV RSE