'Vehicle Cooperative Cruise Control' uses V2V communications to share speeds and coordinate maneuvers with adjacent vehicles in the same lane (a CACC 'string'), maintaining vehicle speed and a safe gap with the predecessor vehicle. It provides the capability for vehicles to cluster into strings of CACC–equipped vehicles with compatible performance characteristics and share speed, location, acceleration/deceleration, path predictions (e.g., intended acceleration/deceleration) with other vehicles in the string. These capabilities are provided by systems on board the vehicle that coordinate with other vehicles and control acceleration and braking. In advanced implementations, the capability to coordinate with the infrastructure to support more advanced clustering strategies and use infrastructure provided target speed and traffic control information to improve performance.
ID | Requirement |
01 | The vehicle shall be capable of implementing cruise control strategies based upon sensor inputs from the vehicle. |
02 | The vehicle shall accept configuration inputs from the driver for the cruise control strategy to employ. |
03 | The vehicle shall exchange movement data (time, location, velocity, forward gap, heading, acceleration) with other vehicles via V2V communications. |
04 | The vehicle shall be capable of joining a platoon by determining the recommended platoon entry location and the timing for the vehicle to enter a platoon. |
05 | The vehicle shall coordinate acceleration and braking with adjacent vehicles in the same lane (a platoon), maintaining vehicle speed and a safe gap with the vehicle in front of it. |
06 | The vehicle shall communicate the current speed and gap policy to the driver interface system for display to the driver. |
07 | The vehicle shall receive automated highway system status, warnings and collision avoidance data (intersection congestion, approaching vehicles, potential collision hazards, etc.) from the roadway field equipment. |
08 | The vehicle shall send appropriate control actions to the vehicle's accelerator, braking and steering actuators when operating in an automated lane. |
09 | The vehicle shall provide a means for the driver to accept, reject, and modify a given speed and gap policy. |
10 | The vehicle shall exchange data with other vehicles in the platoon to share vehicle status information, roadway condition data, and initiate vehicle actuator controls to maintain safe following distances. |
11 | The vehicle shall determine recommended platoon exit location and timing for the vehicle to exit a platoon. |
12 | The vehicles shall determine the appropriate time to restore longitudinal vehicle control to the driver upon CACC platoon exit. |
13 | The vehicle shall allow the vehicle to leave the platoon if cruise control is disabled. |
14 | The vehicle shall allow the vehicle to leave the platoon based on driver input of desire to leave. |
15 | The vehicle shall exchange weather data (time, location, external air temperature, barometric pressure, wiper status, headlight status), road surface data (time, location, traction control status, stability control status, differential wheel speed) with other connected vehicles to support platoon operations. |
16 | The Driver shall be able to engage and disengage advanced cruise control and adjust control strategies. |
17 | The vehicle shall have the ability to receive platoon–level gap and speed policy recommendations from infrastructure–based systems. |
18 | The vehicle shall be able to send platoon information to the infrastructure in order to support infrastructure inputs to the platoon gap and speed strategies. |
19 | The Vehicle shall be able to implement cruise controls strategies in order to provide advanced cruise control in normal vehicle operation. |
20 | The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane–level accuracy to on–board cooperative cruise control applications. |