Vehicle Map Management Functional Area


'Vehicle Map Management' supports map updates and makes current map and geometry data available to other applications. It manages map data on–board and provides map data to end–user applications that provide location–based services.

Included In

Connected Vehicle

Functional Requirements

01The Vehicle shall make basemap, roadway geometry, intersection geometry and parking facility geometry information available to other onboard vehicle applications.
02The Vehicle shall obtain parking facility geometry information from proximate Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.
03The Vehicle shall obtain roadway geometry update information from proximate Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.
04The Vehicle shall obtain intersection geometry update information from proximate Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.
05The Vehicle shall provide its location to Centers.
06The Vehicle shall obtain basemap updates from Centers.
07The Vehicle shall obtain basemap update information from proximate Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.
08The Vehicle shall obtain roadway geometry information from Centers.
09The Vehicle shall obtain parking facility geometry information from Centers.
10The Vehicle shall obtain intersection geometry information from Centers.