Vehicle Control Automation Functional Area


'Vehicle Control Automation' provides lateral and/or longitudinal control of a vehicle to allow 'hands off' and/or 'feet off' driving, automating the steering, accelerator, and brake control functions. It builds on the sensors included in 'Vehicle Safety Monitoring' and 'Vehicle Control Warning' and uses the information about the area surrounding the vehicle to safely control the vehicle. It covers the range of incremental control capabilities from driver assistance systems that take over steering or acceleration/deceleration in limited scenarios with direct monitoring by the driver to full automation where all aspects of driving are automated under all roadway and environmental conditions.

Included In

Connected Vehicle
Clark County CV Test Vehicle

Functional Requirements

01The vehicle shall monitor the area behind and in front of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle.
02The vehicle shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle to determine if a control adjustment is needed.
03The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.
04The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane–level accuracy to on–board control automation applications.
05The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, roadway characteristics, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.
06The vehicle shall provide position control adjustments and warnings to the driver when an object gets close enough to the vehicle to become a hazard if no action is taken by the driver.
07The vehicle shall provide an interface through which a vehicle driver can initiate, monitor and terminate automatic control of the vehicle.
08The vehicle shall send appropriate control actions to the vehicle's steering actuators.
09The vehicle shall present vehicle control information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.
10The vehicle shall perform control actions based on information received from other vehicles regarding potentially hazardous road conditions or road hazards.
11The vehicle shall perform pre–crash actions, including seatbelt tightening, brake assist, airbag pre–arming, bumper raising/extension.
12The vehicle shall be capable of performing control actions based upon warnings received from nearby special vehicles.
13The vehicle shall be capable of performing control actions based upon warnings received regarding pedestrians, cyclists, and other non–motorized users that are sharing the roadway with the vehicle
14The vehicle shall be capable of performing control actions based upon information received from the infrastructure regarding the status of the intersection the vehicle is approaching.
15The vehicle shall be capable of performing control actions based upon information received from other vehicles regarding their status approaching the intersection the vehicle is approaching.
16The vehicle shall send appropriate control actions to the vehicle's speed control systems (e.g., throttle, brakes).