ITS Management Support Functional Area


'ITS Management Support' provides management of the ITS Object. This includes management of regulatory information and policies, management of application processes, management of communication system configuration and update management, communications interfaces, protocol–specific techniques to ensure interoperability such as service advertisements, communications congestion management and interference management, local device states and communications information, billing management, fault management, service level and performance monitoring.

Included In

WSDOT SWR Field Equipment
WSDOT SWR Traffic Management Center
Clark County Traffic Operations Center
Clark County Field Equipment
Clark County Maintenance Center
WSDOT SWR Field Maintenance Equipment
Clark County Field Maintenance Equipment
WSDOT SWR CV Service Monitor System
Clark County CV Service Monitor System
Clark County CV RSE

Functional Requirements

01The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to vehicles within the broadcast range of the ITS Object's short range communications equipment.
02The ITS Object shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the registration Center.
03The ITS Object shall obtain network addresses from the Registration Center.
04The ITS Object shall make network address information available to onboard applications.
05The ITS Object shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service Monitor
06The ITS Object shall acquire regulatory information relevant to the operation of the ITS Object from the CCMS.