CVO06: Freight Signal Priority (City of Vancouver)

Need Area Description

––Instance of CVO06–– The Freight Signal Priority service package (FSP) provides traffic signal priority for freight and commercial vehicles traveling in a signalized network. The goal of the freight signal priority service package is to reduce stops and delays to increase travel time reliability for freight traffic, and to enhance safety at intersections.

Need Area Type: Unspecified

Service Package

CVO06: Freight Signal Priority (City of Vancouver)

Includes Needs

01Traffic Management needs to collect data from freight facilities and commercial vehicle fleet management in order to support traffic signal system optimization for commercial vehicles.
02Traffic Management needs to process traffic and commercial vehicle data in order to provide commercial vehicle signal priority for the efficient movement of freight.
03Traffic Management needs to communicate with field equipment to provide commercial vehicle signal priority commands to the intersection.
04The Commercial Vehicle Driver needs to progress through his arterial route safely and efficiently.