Personnel Incident Scene Communications Functional Area


'Personnel Incident Scene Communications' provides images, video and information from an incident scene captured by or input to an emergency personnel device. The information provided and the user interface delivery mechanism (visual, audible, or haptic) can also be tailored to the needs of the user that is carrying or wearing the device that generates the information.

Included In

WSDOT SWR Personnel Device
Local Emergency Responder Personnel Device
Washington State Patrol Personnel Device
WSDOT SWR Incident Response Personnel Device

Functional Requirements

01The personnel device shall record video and images in the vicinity of the user.
02The personnel device shall provide recorded video and images to the Emergency Center.
03The personnel device shall provide a mechanism for Emergency Personnel to provide feedback to the Emergency Center.
04The personnel device shall accept messages from the center and present them to the Emergency Personnel, as text, video, audio and/or haptic inputs.