Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council

Project Showcase

NE 47th Avenue/NE 78th Street Intersection

Agency: Clark County
Status: Completed
FHWA Aid#: 4380(004)
Project Type: Reconstruction: No Added Capacity
Description: This project will install a new traffic signal at the intersection of NE 47th Avenue and NE 78th Street. The project will move the access to Clark County Operations to the east so that it lines up with NE 47th Avenue, creating a new four-legged intersection. On NE 78th Street roadway striping will be reconfigured to accommodate the new intersection and additional thru and left lanes.
Termini: NE 47th Avenue at 78th Street
Project Length: 0.02 miles
Completed: December 31, 2015
  Federal Funds Project Cost Schedule Obligation
Preliminary Engineering $289,000 January 1, 2013 January 23, 2014
Right of Way $1,000 January 6, 2014 January 23, 2014
Construction $1,000,000 $2,112,000 February 1, 2014 October 20, 2014
Total $1,000,000 $2,402,000    

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