RTC Seeking Comment on Draft Public Participation Plan

Vancouver, Washington - Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC) is seeking public comment on its draft 2024 Public Participation Plan. The public comment period will run through August 30, 2024. The Public Participation Plan relates to the Council’s work on regional transportation planning and programming of regionally significant transportation projects. The Public Participation Plan includes information on RTC’s organization and the transportation Plans and Programs RTC publishes. RTC is updating its Public Participation Plan to better reflect its practices for public involvement, consultation with interested parties, interagency consultation, and agency governance and operations. The draft Public Participation Plan is available for review online at RTC-PPP-July-2024-Draft_Final.pdf

How to make a comment:

Online:   Feedback form
Email:    info@rtc.wa.gov
US Mail:   RTC, PO Box 1366, Vancouver, WA 98666-1366.
Phone:   564-397-6067
In person:   at RTC Board meeting, see calendar

Public Participation Plan

Public involvement is a key component of the transportation planning and programming process. A proactive public involvement process is one that provides complete information, timely public notice, and full public access to major transportation decisions and supports early and continuing involvement of the public in developing transportation plans and programs.

In an attempt to ensure that our planning process is inclusive, RTC employs specific strategies for reaching out to persons who are traditionally underserved by transportation projects, such as low-income and minority households. In addition to ensuring that community members are involved, our transportation investments should not adversely impact these populations; and improvements are to be equitably distributed.

RTC utilizes a broad range of public information and participation opportunities in planning for regional transportation needs and programming of regional transportation projects. RTC also recognizes the importance of public participation at the local level and will acknowledge and consider public input resulting from transportation planning and project programming at the local jurisdictional level, as well as through public participation conducted by transportation agencies such as the public transit provider, C-TRAN, and Washington State Department of Transportation.