Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council

Project Showcase

Fourth Plain Bus Rapid Transit

Agency: C-TRAN
Status: Completed
FHWA Aid#: FT14(005)
Project Type: Transit
Description: Construct Bus Rapid Transit primarily in mixed traffic, between downtown Vancouver and Westfield Vancouver Mall along Fourth Plain, Fort Vancouver, and downtown Vancouver Streets.
Termini: Downtown Vancouver to Westfield Vancouver Mall
Project Length: 6.00 miles
Completed: January 8, 2017
  Federal Funds Project Cost Schedule Obligation
Preliminary Engineering $4,000,000 $5,000,000 April 1, 2013 May 28, 2013
Right of Way $1,038,000 January 1, 2015 September 10, 2015
Construction $47,082,000 February 1, 2016 September 10, 2015
Total $4,000,000 $53,120,000    

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