Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council

Project Showcase

SR-503 ATIS Infill-I/S Bypass; 4th Plain to Main St. and Signal Study

Agency: WSDOT, SW Region
Status: Completed
FHWA Aid#: 0503(031)
Project Type: Transportation System Management and Operations
Description: Arterial VMS's, data stations, surveillance cameras & ethernet conversions. In addition, this project will fund an investigation of demand-responsive or adaptive signalized corridor between fourth Plain Blvd. and NE 119th Street.
Termini: MP 0.0 to 8.2
Project Length: 8.20 miles
Completed: June 30, 2018
  Federal Funds Project Cost Schedule Obligation
Preliminary Engineering $86,500 $100,000 July 1, 2015 November 24, 2015
Construction $865,000 $1,000,000 April 1, 2016 September 20, 2017
Total $951,500 $1,100,000    

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