Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council

Project Showcase

Evergreen Way/32nd Street Improvements

Agency: Washougal
Status: Completed
FHWA Aid#: 7071(002)
Project Type: Reconstruction: No Added Capacity
Description: Reconstruct intersection at Evergreen and 32nd Street, including new signal, widened thru and turn lanes, new bike lanes, and pedestrian facilities.
Termini: Evergreen at 32nd Street
Project Length: 0.10 miles
Completed: July 15, 2018
  Federal Funds Project Cost Schedule Obligation
Preliminary Engineering $63,000 $230,000 January 15, 2012 July 5, 2012
Right of Way $129,000 May 15, 2012 October 1, 2015
Construction $937,000 $1,490,000 December 30, 2014 June 5, 2017
Total $1,000,000 $1,849,000    

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