Board of Directors, May 2013
Meeting Materials
The following materials are from the RTC Board of Directors meeting held on Tuesday, May 7, 2013, at Clark County Public Service Center.
- Agenda
- Minutes - March 5, 2013 Meeting
- Handouts From Citizens - Item 3
- April Claims - Item 4
- May Claims - Item 4
- Transportation Data Collection Consultant Selection, Resolution 05-13-09 - Item 4
- 2013-2016 MTIP Amendment: C-TRAN Bus Replacement, Resolution 05-13-10 - Item 4
- 2013-14 Vancouver Area Smart Trek Program, Resolution 05-13-11 - Item 5
- FY 2014 Unified Planning Work Program, Memo - Item 6
- FY 2014 Unified Planning Work Program, RTC Draft UPWP - Item 6
- FY 2014 Unified Planning Work Program, Metro Draft UPWP - Item 6
- Consulting Services for Executive Search Process, Resolution 05-13-12 - Item 7
- Metropolitan Transportation Plan Regulatory Process, Memo - Item 8
- RTC Audit Exit Conference, Letter - Item 9
- State Legislators Ask RTC to Reconsider its Position on the CRC Project, Letter - Item 9
- Entire Meeting Packet - zipfile archive of all PDFs
Watch the meeting video - May 7, 2013
We are experiencing technical problems with our YouTube video feed. For now, please see CVTV for their archive of our Board meeting videos: