Next Meeting

The August 2024 meeting of the RTC Board of Directors has been canceled.

The next scheduled meeting of the RTC Board of Directors will be at 4:00pm on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 in the C-Tran Administration Building

Notice: Meeting Format

The RTC Board of Directors will convene this meeting via an In-Person/Hybrid Format. All members of the Board are encouraged to attend the meeting in-person, or by webinar format.

Public Access and Participation

This meeting will be broadcast live on CVTV and available on to stream. The public may participate live by attending in-person, joining the teleconference or writing to prior to the meeting. Written comments received by 12:00pm Pacific Time (noon) on September 3 will be entered into the record of the meeting. Refer to RTC Board of Directors meeting participation guidelines for specific Public Comment procedures and requiments.

September 3, 2024 Meeting Materials

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(No meeting materials presently available.)

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