Title VI Nondiscrimination

RTC Respects Civil Rights

RTC operates its programs without discrimination as to regard race, color, national origin, in accordance with applicable laws, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and RCW 49.60. To request additional information on RTC’s Title VI nondiscrimination requirements, or if any person believes they have been discriminated against under Title VI or other applicable law and would like to file a complaint, contact us at 564-397-6067 (TTY 711) or email info@rtc.wa.gov.

Persons who do not speak or read English well may request at no cost, language assistance, oral interpretation and/or written translation. Contact RTC at 564-397-6067 (TTY 711) or email TitleVI@rtc.wa.gov.

Language Assistance Plan

In carrying out its transportation planning activities, RTC is committed to engaging and involving all residents of Southwest Washington, including those with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Therefore, in accordance with the best practice standards for public participation, RTC has an adopted Language Assistance Plan. The LAP Plan was developed with assistance from WSDOT and other federal agencies.

Notice to Public

RTC hereby gives public notice that it is the policy of the agency to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities.

Your Rights against Discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC) hereby gives public notice that it is the Agency’s policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. Title VI requires that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Federal Aid Highway program or other activity for which Agency receives federal financial assistance.

Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI has a right to file a formal complaint with the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC). Any such complaint filed with the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC). Title VI Coordinator within 180 days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. Title VI discrimination Complaint Forms may be obtained from the the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC) at no cost to the complainant.

To file a Title VI discrimination complaint, contact:

Attn: Title VI Coordinator
Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council
PO Box 1366
Vancouver, WA 98666
Email TitleVI@rtc.wa.gov

Washington State Department of Transportation
Office of Equity and Civil Rights – Title VI
PO Box 4731
Olympia, WA 98504-7314
Email TitleVI@wsdot.wa.gov
Phone: (360) 705-7090



Title VI Notice
Title VI Discrimination Complaint Form and Procedures

Español | Spanish

Aviso del Título VI
Formulario y procedimientos de queja por discriminación según el Título VI

Русский | Russian

Раздел VI Уведомление
Раздел VI. Форма и процедуры подачи жалобы на дискриминацию

中文 | Chinese

第六章 歧视投诉表格和程序

Tiếng việt | Vietnamese

Thông báo về Tiêu đề VI
Biểu mẫu và thủ tục khiếu nại phân biệt đối xử theo Tiêu đề VI