The RTP’s for Clark County, Skamania County, and Klickitat County
are the region’s principal long-range transportation planning documents. These
plans are the result of a comprehensive planning process among jurisdictions
and establishes regional transportation policy, while recommending a
balanced program of modal investments to meet future transportation system
needs. The federally and state required plans must look 20 years to the future and be
updated every 4 years.
The Metropolitan TIP is a four-year project list of all federally funded and regionally significant state and local transportation projects within Clark County. The TIP prioritizes and programs funding for the set of projects to be implemented in each of the next four years. Projects in the TIP must be identified in the MTP or be consistent with the MTP project categories of preservation, maintenance, safety, freight, bike/pedestrian, and transportation system management strategies. All federally funded and WSDOT transportation projects must be programmed in the TIP in order to be eligible for the receipt of funds.
The CMP, as defined in federal regulation, is intended to serve as a systematic process that provides for safe and effective integrated management and operation of the multimodal transportation system. RTC’s CMP is collaboratively developed and implemented as an integral part of the metropolitan planning process. The CMP provides a wide range of transportation system data to help guide the investment of transportation funds toward improving congestion.
The UPWP is prepared annually by RTC serving as the MPO for Clark County and RTPO for Clark, Skamania and Klickitat counties. Development of a UPWP is required under federal law as part of a coordinated regional transportation planning process and is a requirement for continued receipt of federal transportation funds to the region. In Transportation Management Areas (TMAs), such as Clark County, the UPWP must include a description of the planning priorities facing the metropolitan planning area and describe metropolitan transportation planning activities anticipated for the next one or two year period.
The TA program was authorized to provide for a variety of alternative transportation projects. The program goals address expanding travel choices, strengthening the local economy, improving the quality of life, and protecting the environment. Transportation Alternatives projects include pedestrian and bicycle facilities, viewing areas, community improvement activities, environmental remediation, recreational trails, and safe routes to school.
The federal transportation act, SAFETEA-LU, requires development of a Coordinated HSTP. This plan addresses the transportation needs of the elderly, people with disabilities, low income populations, and rural residents unable to provide transportation for themselves. The current HSTP for Clark, Skamania and Klickitat Counties was adopted by the RTC Board of Directors in December 2010.
The VAST Program is a coalition of state, regional and local agencies which have been working actively together for over 12 years implementing ITS and operations solutions to address the region’s transportation needs. VAST program activities include regional collaboration on TSMO and on ITS. VAST agencies include the City of Vancouver, WSDOT, Clark County, C-TRAN, and City of Camas. The partnership has been an effective way for the agencies to coordinate project delivery, joint project funding, monitoring project development, and project integration to improve transportation operations.
As the state-designated RTPO for the region that includes Clark County, RTC has certain responsibilities under the state’s Growth Management Act. These responsibilities include certification of the transportation element of local Comprehensive Plans. On March 1, 2016, the RTC Board adopted a Guide to RTC’s Certification Process that clarifies RTC’s role in certifying local plans as part of Washington State’s growth management planning process. The Guide includes a checklist for local jurisdictions to complete to help
them and RTC fulfill certification requirements.