Regional Transportation Plan

Looking Ahead to 2045

Over the past decade the county’s population has grown substantially faster than both the Washington and U.S. averages1 for rural communities, and it’s projected to continue to grow. This growth isn’t without challenges. The future population is expected to skew older and include more people living with disabilities. Future demand and travel trends are expected to diversify, with higher demand for transit and multimodal options

Aging infrastructure, lack of existing multimodal options, transportation cost burdens, and funding continue to be concerns for businesses and residents alike. To ensure a robust, flexible transportation system in years to come, it is important to maintain the facilities the county has while enhancing the multimodal transportation network of transit, walking, and bicycling more viable options.

RTP 2024 Summary

2024 RTP Draft Report Cover

This Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is Skamania County’s long-range transportation planning document. The plan assesses the transportation system today, expresses the community’s vision and goals going forward, and lays out how these goals will be achieved over the next 20 years. The focus of this plan is in improving the transportation network to support economic growth, improve access to services and employment, and enhance quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

Chapters 1 through 5 of the RTP provide a wealth of information about Skamania County and its transportation system. They describe the people, communities, and industries the transportation system supports; the key transportation facilities and services that make up the system today; and gaps in the system, both today and projected as the region’s population and economy grow.

In the concluding chapters, the RTP shifts from the what to the how. Chapters 6 through 8 describe the financial resources available to the County to support the transportation system; strategies and solutions to meet the projected needs; and how projects will be implemented and monitored to ensure they are performing as required. An unconstrained project list raises the most pressing needs to top priority for available funds

To review the 2024 Skamania RTP update, please click this link.