Transportation Improvement Program
2026-2029 Call for Projects
The Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC)will invite public agencies within the Clark County urban area to submit applications for estimated 2026-2029 federal urban Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG-UL), Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ), and urban Carbon Reduction Program (CRP-UL). The call for projects will be on April 2, 2025.
The STBG, CMAQ, and CRP funds are allocated to the Clark County Metropolitan Planning Organization and programmed by the RTC Board of Directors. The STBG funds can be used for a wide range of transportation purposes. The CMAQ funds can be used for projects that help meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act. The CRP funds can be used for projects that reduce transportation emissions.
Agencies within the RTPO area (Clark, Klickitat, and Skamania counties) will be invited to submit applications for the Transportation Alternatives (TA) program. Transportation Alternatives projects can include pedestrian and bicycle facilities, viewing areas, community improvement activities, environmental remediation, recreational trails, and safe routes to school. More information on the TA program can be found at:
These federal funds require a minimum 13.5% local match. In order to receive federal funds, the applicant must have either a 'Certification Acceptance' (CA) status or a CA agency agree to manage its project. Also, projects are required to meet regional screening criteria. Project applications will be due to RTC on Friday, July 11, 2025.
Project application, accident analysis worksheet, selection criteria, schedule, programming guidebook, and other materials for preparation of grant requests are available in the sidebar.