Transportation Improvement Program

Project Implementation

Once a project is programmed in the TIP, the project sponsor can begin implementation of the project by accessing funds. Federal transportation programs are reimbursement grant programs. Only after a Local Agency Agreement has been approved through WSDOT or a grant is approved by FTA can project costs become eligible for reimbursement. The first two years of the TIP are selected and are considered to be the regionally agreed to list of projects. This means that, once a project is programmed (listed) in the first two years of the TIP, the project sponsor can proceed with obligation.

Project Showcase

All projects that use regionally selected STBG, CMAQ, or TA federal funds are required to complete a one-page Project Showcase within 45 days of the project being functionally complete. The purpose is to report on the use of regional federal funds to the RTC Board.

Project Showcase Template

Before and After Analysis

All projects using STP, CMAQ, or TAP funds will be required to complete a Before and After Analysis within 12 months of grant closure. The purpose is to monitor the development of a project towards meeting goals or performance measures and ensure the efficient use of regional federal funds. RTC has not prescribed a format or content, but has provided a template (see Downloads sidebar) which may be used to develop an Analysis. Generally, the Analysis will be between 2 and 4 pages in length. Although an agency has flexibility to develop their own Analysis report, the report should consider including the following elements: Project title, location, description, goals, outcomes, funding, map, photos, and agency name.

Before and After Analysis Template