Transportation Improvement Program
Current Projects
The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a compilation of TIPs from across Washington State. The current STIP is available as a searchable web database. This database contains a current list of programmed transportation projects, including all TIP amendments statewide. From this page you will be able to locate regionally significant projects by agency, MPO or RTPO, amendment number, or by PIN number (WSDOT).
Project Database
RTC, as the MPO for the Vancouver, Washington Urbanized Area is assigned project-level programming responsibilities for the regional share of federal transportation funds. Federal regulations requires that RTC selects projects through a competitive project selection process. Currently, RTC has responsibility to select approximately $9 million annually, through the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), and Transportation Alternative Program (TA).
Through the MPO process, local governments and cities have the opportunity to participate in identifying and solving regional transportation-related problems. Projects can address a wide range of transportation needs including road widening, transit enhancement, intersection improvement, signal coordination, bike and pedestrian facilities, and other transportation needs. RTC employs regional screening and selection criteria to prioritize and select projects for funding. Projects are evaluated based on their individual merits and their impact on the regional transportation system. Funds are awarded to local agencies based on project prioritization. Projects are then programmed in the TIP and implemented by local agencies. Our Project Database shows those which have been awarded federal transportation funds by RTC since 2010, the current status of each, and includes both current and completed projects.
Obligated Projects
Federal regulations require MPOs to publish an annual listing of projects for which federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year as a record of project delivery. Although it is the primary responsibility of the MPO to prepare the obligation list, the list must be developed though a cooperative effort with WSDOT and others who are responsible for tracking project obligation. The Term “obligation” is the federal government’s legal commitment to pay the Federal Share of a project.
Once funds have been obligated, the project sponsor begins incurring eligible project expenses and then will request reimbursement from the Federal Highway Administration or the Federal Transit Administration. Projects for which funds have been obligated are not necessarily initiated or completed in a single program year, and the amount of the obligation will not necessarily equal the total cost of the project.
All projects were listed in the previous year TIP and are consistent with the adopted Regional Transportation Plan. The following links provide a list of federal transportation projects within the MPO boundary for RTC (Clark County, Washington) that were obligated during a given calendar year.
- 2024 Annual List of Obligation
- 2023 Annual List of Obligation
- 2022 Annual List of Obligation
- 2021 Annual List of Obligation
- 2020 Annual List of Obligation
- 2019 Annual List of Obligation
- 2018 Annual List of Obligation
- 2017 Annual List of Obligation
- 2016 Annual List of Obligation
- 2015 Annual List of Obligation
- 2014 Annual List of Obligation
- 2013 Annual List of Obligation
- 2012 Annual List of Obligation
- 2011 Annual List of Obligation